
I’m looking for a video I watched a couple of days ago and that I’m not able to find right now. Some details:

I’ve found the video by clicking a link posted on this forum (I think), it was in a thread about some guy playing Falcon with his wife/girlfriend, and this reply was like “show her this video and she will be hooked etc.” I think the video was on dropbox or something like that, it wasn’t youtube; anyway, it was an online player the video is shot form the wingman’s pov, and it’s mostly low-altitude flight the video showed a 2-ship mission to strike some kind of factory, with a couple of dogfights in the middle. At the end, both are guns only and the wingman is short on fuel, so they decide to climb the video didn’t end, it just stopped with the two F-16 flying at high altitude returning to base.

If you need more info, just ask. 🆒

And, btw: can you link some cool video to “explain” to my SO why we play Falcon BMS and flight-sim in general? 🙂

Thank you!

EDIT: probably found it: https://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/showthread.php?18570-Looking-for-a-Particular-Video-in-ITO&highlight=israel

Anyway, could you reply to the question in bold?
