
Bump-does no one have a reliable way to set this stick up?

Hi, I am trying to build up a reference setup for all the BMS community; if you’d like to stay up to date please follow this thread. (I plan to release the first really working version in 2-3 weeks… real, not Falcon’s :D)


I want to recreate the various controls as close as I can to the original Cougar; however I’ve run into a couple of hickups. The POV hat on my stick works just fine; the one on my throttle isn’t recognized by BMS.

This is not BMS but DX limit: you can have more than one POV hat on the same device, but you can’t use POV hats on different devices; DX only recognizes hats on the device marked as primary.


I did as well. I used the keyfile generator, I think. If it wasn’t that, it was some sort of spread sheet. I used the generic controller section of it.

Good to know, can you please confirm you can effectively map both POV hats to sim callbacks? 😕
This would destroy my understanding of DX limits as expressed above, but would be more than welcome and I will no doubt use the tool and see how it makes the whole thing work. :headb: