
Hello I am new to BMS 4.33. I played Allied Force for a while with a cheap joystick. Now I have BMS 4.33 U5 X52 Pro and head tracking and a semi decent PC rig. I can not for the life of me get the Flounders X52 profile to work some buttons do some don’t. I have the lasest Logitech drives and Sowftware for windows 10. I have discord and teamspeak tho am not to compitant with them. I have watched countless youtube tutorial vids but just can’t seem to get my head around it. If anyone could please help me it would be really really appreciated, thanks you in advance for any answers, tips or help.

I use Flounders x52pro profile and I had made some changes,just few,and it works totally great for me,including TRACK ir 5 reload and center buttons!