Hi all:

I’ve had my TM Cougar from circa 2005 and wouldn’t part with it under any circumstance. While I’ve swapped out my Cougar Stick for my Warthog FCS, I use my Cougar TQS under TUSBA and an AB switch which allows me to move to my Warthog TQS when I’m using DCS. The TUSBA software finally enabled flawless use of the microstick - so I’m a happy camper. Now to my point. I’ve reviewed a number of posts over the years (Cuby included) on cougar mods. Although I haven’t had any major problems (other than a clicky sound on TQ movement), I’m thinking about tinkering with it a bit. Ideally, what mod would you guys recommend? Or, should I just leave well enough alone.

On another front, I’m waiting with baited breath for DCS’s F/A-18 upcoming release. It looks like its going to be a fantastic product. I cut my eye teeth with Jane’s F/A-18 back in "99 followed by DI’s Super Hornet and Graphsim’s Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was my go to flight sim until Falcon 4.0 and Allied Force came along. Now BMS and DCS (not to mention XP, P3D and MSFS) are the bomb. It’s incredible how flight simulation has evolved from those early days. I’m equally excited about TM’s plan to offer a replica of the Hornet FCS about the same time DCS releases its F/A-18 version. So a quick question. Has anybody gotten any scoop on TM’s progress on this project? I’ve been searching for product news with no joy.