
Hey all,

I’m constantly in awe of seeing videos of the multiplayer missions people fly in Falcon, particularly the interaction and coordination between the flight lead and wingmen in reacting to threats. As a player with some basic flight sim experience, I’m looking to “up my game” in the realm of mission flying as part of a package. Problem is, that my schedule won’t allow for regular online training with real players.

While I understand that AI will never be as dynamic and realisitic as flying with a live group, I was wondering what the viability of flying with the AI as a learning tool would be. Any tips? Ideally I’d like to start off flying wingman for an AI lead, but what are the limitations of doing that in BMS? What kind of experience could I expect from that? Will an AI lead assign tasks to me in anything resembling a realistic way?

Drcheck, first-welcome! I have been working on formation flying and SA, that being my weakness in the MP area.So, I often fly as wingman, or preferably element lead of a 4 ship. I can tell you that keeping formation on an AI lead is lot harder then a human one, so therefore is great practice(IMHO)